Why Get an A/C Checkup?

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If you don’t have a regular HVAC maintenance plan, now is the perfect time to get your HVAC system checked, since Phoenix temperatures have hit the triple digits. Today we’re going to talk about some reasons why this might be a good idea to schedule that tune-up now that summer is here.

Better Scheduling Options

The summer crunch isn’t in full swing, so it’s easier to get an appointment now than it will be when it begins to get truly hot. Besides, if you need a major repair or even a new HVAC unit, it’s better to find out now while you can get into a program to help with the funding. (See below.)

If your unit is too small, old, or running poorly, there are rebate and other programs in place to help. Lennox provides rebates up to $1300 and special financing options on a home comfort package. You can find out about that here.

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The Office of Energy and Renewable Energy has incentive programs. 

Arizona Public Service is offering Solutions for Business rebates on HVAC equipment. These programs are time sensitive and won’t be in place forever, so if you’re looking at a significant upgrade or replacement, this would be a good opportunity to take advantage of incentives.

Save Money on Your Bill

During an A/C checkup, things like a dirty filter or coils can be handled and can save you money on your bill since your unit won’t have to work harder than it should. If you need things like better insulation, sunscreens, or ductwork cleaning, you can discuss which would be best for your situation with one of our experts.

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Disaster Prevention

If you hear a noise coming from your unit, or if it’s leaking refrigerant or if the electrical fittings are loose, these can be addressed before they become an extensive unit repair or fire. 

Relationships with Customers

It holds much more gravitas when a regular customer calls an HVAC company rather than someone they’ve never heard from. HVAC companies want to keep all of their customers happy, but if they’ve already been to your house and checked out your system, you’ve developed a relationship with them as one of their customers. Things like that mean they know your system, they bend over backward to fit you in the schedule because they’ll remember you from their last visit.

When you need AC repair and maintenance, AC installation, and ductless AC services for your residential or commercial property in the Phoenix, AZ Metro area, Call Affordable Comfort A/C and Heating at 602-574-1205. Our company is licensed, bonded, and insured.


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