Furnace Care: Should You Turn Off Your Furnace in the Summer?


When discussing how to cut down on utility bills over the summer, most owners don’t realize that their furnace might be setting them back. Keeping the furnace entirely off (and we mean removing the power supply) can save a pretty penny over the unit’s lifetime and prevent accidents along the way. Please read on to discover more details:

Shutting off the furnace

Most homeowners never turn off their furnaces during the warmer seasons. What usually happens is that they turn the thermostat to the cooling mode in the hotter summer months and let the HVAC system cool the house down. When we talk about turning off the furnace, we mean removing it from the power supply and gas lines (if applicable). Only this will sufficiently prevent unnecessary energy use.

Why turning off your furnace matters

A furnace usually has a pilot light to ignite the burners, and this pilot light stays on as long as the furnace has power. Over the summer, this pilot light will continue to burn gas and electricity, bit by bit. Owners generally won’t need to turn on their furnaces over the summer (even during a little cold snap). Therefore, all that pilot light does is siphon money out of your pocket.

Closing the gas supply and shutting the furnace off from the electrical circuits will turn off the pilot light for good. When the cold season returns, the householder can turn it on again. The pilot light and other sensors inside the furnace don’t use a lot of power. But this can still amount to some $50 per year, which adds up during the furnace’s lifespan.

The easiest way to shut a furnace down is to flip its breaker in the breaker panel. This move will allow owners to quickly turn on the furnace without fiddling with cabling and outlets in enclosed spaces.

What if I have an HVAC system?

An integrated HVAC system controls both the furnace and the cooling system via one electrical system. They share most electrical components, including fans and controls that power the devices. Shutting off the power to the furnace means turning the entire HVAC off, which is understandably not an option during summer. However, we still recommend turning off the furnace’s gas supply to prevent accidents and shut down gas use over the warmer months.

Do you need help with your furnace over the summer?

Before turning your furnace off for a long hibernation period in the warmer months, consider scheduling any maintenance or repairs. That way, when the colder months hit, you’ll be prepared to tackle them with a clean, revitalized furnace. Contact a professional HVAC or furnace technician for assistance and advice.

When you need heating or refrigeration service, maintenance or repair, call us at Affordable Comfort A/C and Heating 602-574-1205.


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