Indoor Plants and Home Air Quality
Being in the HVAC business, we are always interested in things which improve the quality of air in the home. An example of this is houseplants. People love house plants. They increase our quality of life and make us happy. But, plants also positively interact with the environment, by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen and moisture as part of the photosynthesis process. They also can remove carbon monoxide, benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde from the air, which creates a healthier environment for the family. Because of this, the presence of houseplants in the home will improve home air quality.
Different types of plants perform various functions. Here, we describe some of those functions and even offer some examples of the varieties of houseplants which perform those functions.
Spider plants, Corn plants, English Ivy, and Philodendrons are plants which photosynthesize during the day, creating fresh oxygen in the home during the daytime. These are the perfect plants for living areas where people spend time during the day, such as living areas and home offices.
Snake plants, aloe veras, Christmas cactus, Peepal trees, orchids, Neems, and Gerbera daisies are examples of plants which also give off oxygen at night, which makes them candidates for placement in the bedroom so that sleepers can be treated to fresh oxygen at night. Try putting these in bedrooms or dorm rooms.
Peace lilies: remove common toxins and mold from the air. These plants are sensitive to the fluoride in tap water, and the leaves are poisonous to children and pets, so plan accordingly.
Philodendron, Chinese elm, Pathos, Weeping Fig: these absorb formaldehyde in the air, which is a common outgassing toxin following the installation of new floors, walls, or carpets
One of the benefits of having plants is that they release moisture into the air through their leaves. This will raise the humidity level in the home, which is welcome, especially as the Valley has such a dry climate.
For ideal benefits of the purifying qualities of houseplants. One 6-8” potted plant should be sufficient for a 100-125 square foot area. That means a 1200 square foot house should have 10-12 6-8” potted plants or smaller ones in multiples of two. Of course, larger plants could also be an option. Just consider the amount of leaf material during the selection process, since photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of the plant.
There are several studies which show that living plants have a positive effect on people in many ways. As air conditioning and heating experts, we recognize the value of using more than one method of increasing air quality and encourage our customers to do so when possible.
When you need AC repair and maintenance, AC installation, and ductless AC services for your residential or commercial property in the Phoenix, AZ Metro area, Call Affordable Comfort A/C and Heating at 602-574-1205. Our company is licensed, bonded, and insured.